How to Remove Smoke and Weed Smell from Mattress

How to Remove Smoke and Weed Smell from Mattress?

Are you tired of dealing with a smoke or marijuana odor on your mattress? Even after washing the linens and airing out the room, it can be difficult to remove the residual odor. But, numerous treatments can help to alleviate the problem and restore the fragrance and cleanliness of your mattress. There are various methods for removing the odor of smoke or weed from your mattress, ranging from baking soda to vinegar, coffee grounds to essential oils, ventilation, and enzyme-based sprays.

This article will give you efficient techniques for removing these terrible scents from your mattress, allowing you to sleep in a fresh and clean environment. Continue reading to get the step-by-step instructions for each approach, and say goodbye to foul odors in no time.

Can You Get a Cigarette/weed Smell out Of a Mattress?

Yes, you can remove cigarette or marijuana odor from a mattress using various methods such as sprinkling baking soda or vinegar, coffee grounds mixed with essential oils, or enzyme-based sprays. Ventilating your room, applying activated charcoal or cornstarch, and leaving the mattress outside for a few days can all assist in successfully eradicating the stench. The time required for each option may vary based on the type and degree of the odor on the mattress.

How to Get Rid of Smoke Smell from Mattress?

How to Get Rid of Smoke Smell from Mattress

Putting the mattress outside

Airing out a mattress is one of the simplest ways to remove cigarette smoke from it. Putting the mattress outside helps eliminate the odor over time. It’s best to wait at least a week for the odor to disappear and remember to bring it inside at night to avoid molds.

Using Baking soda

Baking soda is a great absorbent for odor removal. Another excellent technique to eradicate the smoke smell is to sprinkle Baking soda over the mattress surface and leave it on for as long as possible. Let the Baking soda to rest on the fabric of the mattress for a few days before vacuuming it off.

Using vinegar

White vinegar is a cheap and effective way to remove smoke odor from a mattress. Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle, dilute it, and liberally spray on your bed surface. Allow the vinegar to penetrate the mattress and break down the chemical bonds in the cigarette smoke residue before wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Using coffee grounds and essential oils

Use used coffee grounds infused with a few drops of essential oils like lavender or peppermint to treat the mattress. This method removes the odor and makes your bed smell nice. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, spread the mixture on the mattress and let it sit for a few hours. Then, using a vacuum, remove the coffee grounds and enjoy the fresh scent.

Getting Rid of Weed Smell from Mattress

How to Get Rid of weed Smell from Mattress

If you’ve ever wondered how to get the smell of weed out of your mattress, you’ll be relieved to know there are specific techniques to eliminate the odor quickly. Here are some excellent strategies for removing that noxious odor:

Ventilate your home

The first step in eliminating weed odor is ensuring your home is well-ventilated. Before you open your new mattress, open your windows and doors to allow proper air circulation in your room.

Use enzyme-based spray

To eliminate the marijuana smell in your mattress, utilize enzyme-based sprays. Spray it evenly over the bed surface and let it sit for a few hours before cleaning it.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another good approach for removing weed odor. Distribute it evenly over the bed and let it sit for a few hours for the best benefits. The longer you leave it, the better the outcomes will be.

Open the mattress and leave it outside for a few days

Let fresh air circulate through the mattress by leaving it outside and opening it up for a few days. The odor should progressively fade away with time.

Use activated charcoal

To get rid of the cannabis scent, you can also use activated charcoal as a powerful absorbent. Let it sit on the bed surface for several hours before vacuuming it.


Vinegar, like cigarette smoke, is a great strategy for removing cannabis odor from your mattress. Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle and dilute it. Spray it liberally on the mattress surface, then wipe it clean with a moist towel.


Sprinkle cornstarch evenly over the damaged region of the mattress, wait a few minutes, and then vacuum or wipe it away with a moist cloth. This approach absorbs moisture and odor, leaving your mattress smelling fresher and cleaner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Make a Mattress Smell Better?

There are a few things you may attempt to make your mattress smell better. First, you can conceal any unpleasant odors with essential oils or scented sprays. You can also use Baking soda or vinegar to remove odors from your mattress. For optimal effects, let the Baking soda or vinegar on the bed for a few hours or overnight. Keeping your room well-ventilated can also help keep your mattress smelling fresh.

How Long Does It Take For A New Mattress To Stop Smelling?

Depending on the type of material used in the mattress, it might take a few days to weeks for a new mattress to stop smelling. For example, memory foam and latex mattresses have a greater odor than other mattresses. Adequate ventilation and baking soda or activated charcoal can help accelerate the process.

Is New Mattress Smell Harmful?

While the scent of a new mattress can be unpleasant, it is usually not dangerous. The odor is created by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) chemicals, commonly found in adhesives, foams, and flame retardants used in mattress manufacturing. However, you are sensitive to scents or have respiratory concerns. Following the manufacturer’s directions and allowing the mattress to be fully off-gas before using it is always advisable.


Finally, removing the odor of smoke or weed from your mattress is doable. Living in foul-smelling surroundings is unnecessary when various alternatives are available at home. There are numerous ways to address the problem, ranging from simple and inexpensive solutions such as Baking soda and vinegar to more specialized treatments such as enzyme-based sprays and activated charcoal. Our post has presented some simple techniques to remove any odor from your mattress effectively. You can now enjoy a clean, odor-free mattress that will give you a good night’s sleep. If you have any further questions or recommendations, please leave them in the comments area below.

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