How To Get Pee Out of a Memory Foam Mattress?
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How To Get Pee Out of a Memory Foam Mattress?

Are you struggling with the frustrating task of cleaning pee out of your memory foam mattress? Whether it’s from a bedwetting accident or a pet’s mishap, the unpleasant odor and stain left behind can be challenging to remove. But don’t worry, there are several effective methods that you can use to get rid of the pee and restore your mattress to its original condition.

In this article, we will discuss some practical and straightforward steps that you can take to clean and sanitize your memory foam mattress thoroughly. So, if you’re ready to tackle this unpleasant task and get your mattress looking and smelling fresh again, keep reading! You may read also How To Get Vomit Smell Out Of Mattress

How To Clean Fresh Urine From A Mattress?

To clean the mattress, pour some baking soda into a bowl. Spread the baking soda over the entire surface of the mattress, and then shake the mattress for a few seconds.

If you want to clean urine stains from the mattress, you can soak it in a solution of half-and-half vinegar and water. You should soak the mattress overnight and then repeat the steps described above. You can remove the urine stain from the mattress if you soak it in a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts water.

If you want to get your mattress clean from the urine stain, you should wash it thoroughly with water and soap. Use only cold water for this purpose. You should use warm or hot water to clean a mattress that contains pet stains. You may check also Best Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Side Sleepers

What you need to clean up fresh pee on your mattress?

  • Urine is a tricky substance to clean up, especially if it’s already dried.
  • The best way to clean fresh pee off of a memory foam mattress is with a towel and some cold water.
  • Soak the towel in the cold water and ring it out so that it’s not dripping wet.
  • Place the towel on top of the fresh urine stain and press down firmly.
  • Get your bedding out of the house and put it in the wash by filling the spray bottle halfway with white vinegar and water.
  • If you don’t scrub, you’ll push the urine even further into the foam of your mattress, making it harder to get the odor out.
  • Continue to remove excess liquid by blotting it out and covering it with baking soda.
  • It’s a good idea to let it sit for a long time.
  • Continue the process until things are back to normal if there is still a stain or foul smell left behind.

How to clean and remove dry pee from a mattress?

  • The first step to removing dry dog pee is to clean the urine spot with a clean, white cloth.
  • Remove all the urine with a white cloth, but be careful not to scratch the mattress.
  • The next step is to use a cleaning solution of half-and-half white vinegar and water to remove the urine.
  • Wash the mattress with warm water and soap.
  • Use a sponge to wipe away the wetness.
  • When the mattress is dry, you can use a cleaning product to remove the urine smell. You can get mattress covers in a variety of sizes and designs.
  • Make sure that you clean your mattress on a daily basis.

What you’ll need to get dried up pee out of your mattress

  • You need to soak the mattress overnight.
  • Take 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide, 3 tbs of Baking Soda, and 1-2 drops of dish soap and put them in your spray bottle. Don’t shake the bottle, instead, swirls should do the trick.
  • Make sure you cover everything evenly by spraying a generous amount of spray over pee stains.
  • Allow the mixture to sit until it is dry and you should see a layer of baking soda.
  • You should be all set if you vacuum off the leftover substance.

What about removing pet urine stains and smells from your mattress?

We’re going to look at how to clean your mattress and how to remove pet urine.

  • Some people have pets that deposit pee on their mattresses.
  • Removing pet urine from your mattress is really easy.
  • First, you need to soak the mattress in warm water with a little bit of dish soap.
  • You’ll want to soak the mattress for at least 24 hours.
  • After soaking, remove the urine with a clean white cloth.
  • To get the urine out, use the same method that we talked about above.
  • The final step is to sprinkle baking soda over the mattress and wait about an hour.
  • Baking soda should be sprinkled over the area to draw out urine if the accident is fresh. Over time, the baking soda should change into a different color.
  • If you want to continue drawing it out, you have to vacuum the mattress and sprinkle more baking soda on it.
  • The baking soda will stay white if this process is repeated again.


In conclusion, It’s very easy to get pee out of a memory foam mattress. Memory foam mattresses are popular because they provide comfort and support. People often choose them because they are durable and long-lasting.

However, if a memory foam mattress is stained with urine, it can be difficult to clean. To get the pee out of the mattress, you need to soak it in warm water. This is important because the mattress will get cold and may not be comfortable to sleep on. You may read also Best Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Back Pain


How do I get the smell of urine out of the memory foam mattress?

If you want to get rid of urine odors in your mattress, spread a thin layer of baking soda over the entire mattress surface. It is possible to use a slightly thicker layer of baking soda if the smell is strong. Allow the baking soda to sit, uncovered, for at least 10 hours, and then vacuum it.

Does urine affect memory foam?

If it’s caught in time, animal and human urine can be removed. There are mattresses and furniture cushions made from memory foam. It is known for being reliable. It’s important to take care of the memory foam.

Can you get the urine out of the foam?

All you have to do is fill a spray bottle with a solution of half water and half white wine. Saturate the area with the solution, and then apply a layer of baking soda to completely cover the stain. Allow that to sit for several hours or a full day if you can.

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