How to Get Dog Pee Out of Mattress? (A Step-By-Step Guide)

How to Get Dog Pee Out of Mattress?

Are you a dog owner who has experienced the unfortunate incident of your furry friend peeing on your mattress? If so, you’re not alone. While it may seem like a daunting task to get dog pee out of a mattress, there are several effective methods that can help eliminate the stain and odor. But the longer you wait to address the issue, the more difficult it can be to completely remove the stain and odor.

In this article, we’ll explore some proven techniques for getting dog pee out of a mattress, so you can restore your mattress to its original state and keep your home smelling fresh and clean. You may read also Best Mattress For SI Joint Pain

What is Mattress Deodorization?

If you own a dog, you may want to buy a new mattress. It’s very common for dogs to pee on mattresses because they are uncomfortable. This can be very annoying. You can make sure that your mattress is not stained by getting rid of the urine first. You can do this by using a method that is known as mattress deodorization. This involves soaking a mattress in water mixed with essential oils. After this, you can dry the mattress. You can do this in a hot bathtub or in the oven. You will need to do this a few times to ensure that the mattress is fully cleaned. Once this is done, the mattress will no longer smell bad. The essential oil will absorb the odor.

Is there a way to clean urine from a mattress?

Cleaning urine stains from mattresses is quite simple and is done with just a few basic household items. You will need to purchase some household cleanings supplies, such as toilet paper, a bucket, and an old pair of jeans. You can buy these at your local drugstore or home improvement store.

Instructions for removing dog pee from the mattress:

  • First, pour a small amount of water into the mattress. This will loosen the urine and help it to wash out.
  • If your mattress has a zipper, you will need to unzip it to allow the urine to be washed out.
  • Once the urine has been loosened, use a large sponge to wipe it up and out.
  • This will help prevent dog pee from getting into your mattress.
  • If you have pets, make sure to clean their bedding once in a while.

Dry & Wet Strains of Urine

There are two types of pet urine stains: dry and wet. Dry urine stains are easier to deal with. They are more likely to be found on the bottom of the mattress.

It is recommended that you put your mattress in a washer to remove the urine smell. Use a mild detergent, preferably unscented. Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners. It’s important to make sure that the mattress is dried thoroughly. This will help eliminate odor. It may also be a good idea to place the mattress in the sun to dry it.

Some people like to hang the mattress outside to dry out. Don’t put the mattress directly in the sun. It’s important that it’s in a well-ventilated area. This will help reduce the possibility of developing mold. Mold can cause serious health problems, so you should take care of it immediately. You may check also How to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Expand Faster?

Things to Consider when Cleaning Urine from Mattress

If you want to get dog pee out of the mattress, follow these things.

  1. You should start by checking for any leaks in the diaper bag.
  2. Sometimes the diaper will leak and the urine can stain the mattress.
  3. To clean the mattress, you should wash it using the same method used for washing a comforter.
  4. You should start with a mild detergent and work up to a more powerful one.
  5. When you have completed washing, you should allow the mattress to dry naturally in a ventilated room or on a line.
  6. Instead, you should get some household cleaners and follow the instructions in this article to clean up your urine stain from your mattress.
  7. You can get your mattress back if you get the stains out. Before you clean your mattress, you should take a few precautions.
  8. Make sure that you wear rubber gloves and avoid using chemical-based products such as ammonia or bleach. These can be very harmful and can damage your mattress.
  9. Urine can cause many problems. It can damage your carpet and furniture and even ruin your clothes.
  10. It can stain fabrics and even cause bad odors.
  11. However, you should never throw out your mattress because you might want to get it back someday.

How to prevent future smells?

To prevent dog pee stains and odors from building up in your mattress, the first thing that you must do is to make sure that your mattress is properly protected. This can be done with a waterproof mattress protector.

When your mattress protector is made of a material that’s breathable, it’s possible that you’ll be able to detect the odors of urine coming from underneath. If that happens, you should wash your sheets and other bedding frequently, at least once a week. Washing your sheets and pillowcases every couple of days will keep them smelling fresh. You may read also Best Mattress Protector for Memory Foam


In conclusion, cleaning dog urine from a mattress requires immediate action and the right tools. The first step is to blot the area with a towel to absorb as much liquid as possible. Then, apply an enzymatic cleaner to break down the urine and eliminate the odor. Allow the cleaner to sit for a few hours, and then blot the area again with a clean towel. Finally, let the mattress air dry completely before using it again. With patience and persistence, it’s possible to remove dog pee from a mattress and restore it to its previous condition.


1. How do I clean a mattress?

The best way to clean a mattress is to take the mattress outside and put it in direct sunlight for a few hours. This will dry out the mattress.

2. Is there a better way to clean a mattress than to take it outside?

Yes, there is a better way to clean a mattress. You can use mattress sanitizer, which is a liquid cleaner that will kill bacteria and mildew. You can also use a mattress steam cleaner, which is a machine that heats water and uses it to clean your mattress.

3. What do I need to do to clean a mattress?

You need to clean the mattress by washing it.

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