How to Get Coffee Stain out Of Mattress

How to Get Coffee Stain out Of Mattress?

We’ve all been there, trying to drink our coffee in bed, only to spill it all over our mattresses. Coffee stains are unsightly, smell bad, and attract bacteria, mold, and dust mites. That is why acting quickly and removing those stains is critical to keep your mattress fresh and clean.

If left unattended, coffee stains can leave a permanent and discolored mark on your mattress, affecting the overall appearance of your bedding. A stained mattress can cause allergies and infections and emit an unpleasant odor. It is critical to address the stains as soon as possible.

Cleaning coffee stains is easier than expected, and you may already have all the components. In this post, we’ll walk you through some tried-and-true methods for removing coffee stains from your mattress and getting it to look and smell like new again. Well, let’s get this party started!

What You’ll Need

Before cleaning coffee stains from your mattress, you’ll need a few simple household goods. These items are basic and easy to find, allowing you to deal with unattractive stains as soon as they appear.

What You'll Need to remove the coffee stains from mattress

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Bowl
  • Fan (optional)

Basic Stain Removal Technique

Let’s get our hands dirty and figure out how to remove coffee stains from a mattress. We urge you to follow a step-by-step procedure:

  • Step 1: Blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Acting quickly is critical because new stains are much easier to remove than old ones. To avoid spreading the stain further, begin blotting from the stain’s periphery towards the center. Be patient and avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stain since removing it will make it more difficult.
  • Step 2: In a mixing basin, combine 14 cups white distilled vinegar, one tablespoon of dish soap, and 34 cups warm water. Dampen a new cleaning cloth in the solution and blot the stain again. To prevent the stain from spreading, begin blotting at the outside of the stain and work your way toward the center. Instead of scrubbing the stain, gently wipe the area until the stain is gone.
  • Step 3: If your spilled coffee contains sugar or creamer, combine warm water and a small amount of laundry detergent and dab the solution over the stain with a clean towel. This procedure guarantees that all traces of the spill are eliminated.
  • Step 4: Once all traces of coffee have been gone, allow the mattress to dry completely before returning your bedding. You can also use a fan to speed up the drying process. To prevent mold from forming, make sure the mattress is entirely dry before putting on fresh bedding.
  • Step 5: If the coffee odor persists after cleaning, sprinkle baking soda over the mattress and leave it for several hours. Then vacuum up the baking soda. When used daily, baking soda is an effective deodorizer that can help combat unwanted odors.

You can remove those persistent coffee stains from your mattress and leave it looking and smelling like new by following these five simple steps.

Removing Old Coffee or dried Stains

Cleaning old coffee stains from a mattress can be difficult. Yet, there are certain strategies you can try to remove those tough stains.

An enzyme cleanser is one alternative. Pour water on the stain and blot any excess liquid away using a paper towel or clean cloth. Finally, apply the enzyme cleaning to the affected area and leave it to soak for the time advised. For optimum results, follow the product’s instructions.

Hydrogen peroxide is another possibility. Let 5 to 10 minutes for the hydrogen peroxide to seep into the discoloration. Next, carefully scrub the stain with a brush before thoroughly rinsing it with clear water.

Scrubbing should be done gently because severe scrubbing can damage your mattress, and aggressive use of enzyme cleaners can damage the fabric of your mattress.

When a coffee spill occurs, it is critical to act quickly. Quick cleansing can help prevent the discoloration from becoming persistent. However, if the stains continue, the following methods can help you eliminate them.

Letting the mattress dry completely after eliminating the coffee stains is critical. You can also use a fan to speed up the drying process. And, as usual, preventative steps, such as instituting a no-coffee-in-bed policy, can help to lessen the likelihood of future spills.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Mattress

coffee stains on mattress

Cleaning and maintaining your mattress is important for removing coffee stains and your health and overall well-being. Here are some strong reasons why you should clean your mattress regularly:

Eliminating dust mites and bed bugs is critical since these insects can cause health concerns. Frequent cleaning can help limit their growth and lower your family’s risk of health problems.

Frequent cleaning can also assist in the removal of dust and other allergens that develop on your mattress over time and can trigger allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can cause sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes, and even breathing difficulties. As a result, keeping your mattress clean and allergen-free can help you avoid these symptoms.

A clean mattress can help to improve the overall appearance of your home. Stains, filth, and dust on your mattress can make it look dirty and unappealing, detracting from the rest of your bedroom. A clean and well-maintained mattress will contribute to a more pleasant and inviting environment in your house.

Keeping your mattress clean helps you avoid skin problems caused by a dirty mattress. Contact with dirt, allergies, and germs can cause skin irritations, rashes, and acne. As a result, washing your mattress regularly can help to avoid these problems.

Finally, a clean mattress might make you feel more at ease when sleeping. A clean mattress will not only look better and be more sanitary, but it will also make you feel more relaxed and comfortable when resting on it. You can sleep soundly knowing you’re lying on a clean, bacteria-free mattress.

It is critical to clean and maintain your mattress regularly. It not only removes coffee stains and other spills but can also improve your general health and well-being and contribute to a more comfortable and inviting bedroom ambiance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cleaning coffee stains from a mattress can be difficult, and you may have concerns about how to proceed. Let’s take a look at some often-asked questions regarding cleaning coffee stains from a mattress:

Can baking soda be used to remove stains from a mattress?

Baking soda is a wonderful natural deodorizer that can aid in removing moisture from your mattress. But, to remove stains, you must employ a cleaning solution. After you’ve removed the stains, sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and allow it for a few hours before vacuuming it.

Can vinegar be used to clean a mattress?

Indeed, vinegar is an effective cleaner for eliminating coffee stains from a mattress. It can be an excellent means of dissolving the stain and eradicating its odor when used with dish soap and warm water. Combine 14 cups white distilled vinegar, one tablespoon dish soap, and 34 cups warm water and dab the solution into the stain.

Do coffee stains last forever?

If left untreated for an extended period, coffee stains might become permanent. Clear them as soon as possible once they appear to prevent them from setting in. After the stains have become permanent, they may still be removed with an enzyme cleaning or hydrogen peroxide. However, it may take several attempts to remove the stains completely.


To summarize, it is critical to take the appropriate actions to remove coffee stains from your mattress to maintain a clean and sanitary sleeping environment. If not removed promptly, coffee stains can cause permanent discoloration and possibly long-term health consequences.

Fresh coffee spills are simple to clean with common home materials such as water, vinegar, and dish soap. Even the most persistent coffee stains can be removed with patience and gentle blotting. If the stains are old and stubborn, enzyme cleansers or hydrogen peroxide can assist in removing them.

Cleaning and maintaining your mattress regularly helps remove coffee stains and free it from debris, allergies, and bacteria. This helps create a clean and inviting bedroom environment, simplifying relaxing and sleeping.

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