How To Clean Urine from Mattress with a Pillow Top?
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How To Clean Urine from Mattress with a Pillow Top?

Are you tired of waking up to the unpleasant smell of urine on your pillow top mattress? Whether it’s from a pet accident, a child’s bedwetting, or even an adult’s mishap, cleaning urine from a pillow top mattress can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry, there are effective methods for removing urine stains and odors from your mattress without damaging the delicate pillow top.

In this article, we will explore step-by-step instructions on how to clean urine from a pillow top mattress, using simple household items and specialized cleaning products. So, whether you’re dealing with a fresh or old urine stain, read on to learn how to restore your mattress to its former freshness and cleanliness. You may read also the guide How To Get Pee Out of a Memory Foam Mattress

How do you clean a mattress with urine?

It’s really easy to clean urine from a mattress with a pillow top. Just cut a hole in the center of the pillow and scoop out the urine. Pour some hot water into the hole and soak the mattress. Let it sit for a while and then you should be able to wash it off easily. You might want to replace the pillow top or at least the pillow.

Follow some steps to clean urine out of a pillow top mattress:

Blot off the excess urine

  • Blot off the excess urine with a paper towel.
  • Scrape the excess urine away.
  • Dump the urine into a bowl.
  • Sprinkle some baking soda onto the urine.
  • Add some bleach to the urine.
  • Wait a few minutes for the urine to dissolve.
  • Flush the mattress with cold water.
  • Wash the mattress with detergent.
  • Soak the mattress in a hot tub.
  • Clean the mattress using soap and water.

Don’t rub or press the urine because it will spread it to other parts of the mattress and cause the liquid to get soaked deeper. Allow a towel or several paper towels to be used to absorb the pee. It will make stain and odor removal a lot simpler.

Treat the urine stains

Treat the urine stains with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. It will neutralize the ammonia and the urine will turn into a white paste. This means that it can be wiped out easily and can be washed off with water.

The ammonia will make the urine stain much more noticeable than it really is. To remove the smell, you can soak the mattress in a mixture of vinegar and water. Make sure to use only a few drops of vinegar and only a little bit of water.

Don’t add any detergent to the mix. Let the solution sit overnight and then you can remove it. You will need to soak the mattress in a solution of vinegar and water for several hours. You may read also Best Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Back Pain

Allow the pillow top mattress to dry

Allow the pillow top mattress to dry completely. If you wash the pillow top mattress, the padding will not absorb moisture. The moisture will accumulate in the stuffing and then cause the fabric to rot.

Once the mattress is dry, it can be cleaned with a solution of vinegar and water. Do not use any detergents, because they might damage the fabric. You should only use a small amount of vinegar, and just enough water. After letting the solution sit for a while, you can remove it.

You will have to soak the mattress in the solution overnight. The next day, you can remove the mattress and the pillow top. A fresh mattress is much better than a dirty one. Once the mattress has dried out completely, wash it with water.

How Do You Dry Urine Out Of A Pillow Top Mattress Fast?

There are different ways to dry urine out of a pillow top mattress.

  • One way is to soak the mattress in a solution of vinegar and water overnight.
  • Another way is to put the mattress in the sun. The best way to dry urine out of a pillow top mattress is to let the mattress soak in the sun overnight. This can help to dry out the mattress in just a couple of hours.
  • A third way is to use a fan to speed up the drying process. You can also use a hairdryer to dry the mattress.
  • If you want to get rid of the urine stain from the pillow top mattress, you need to mix cold water, vinegar, and some mild detergent and use it to cover the dried urine.

Does The Smell Of Urine Go Away?

Many people are concerned about the smell of urine in a room. However, the smell of urine goes away quickly when it is cleaned up.

  • You should let the urine dry out completely. Once the mattress has dried out, you can throw the urine-stained pillow top away.
  • Don’t worry about the smell coming back. It will go away. It may even go away without your doing anything at all.
  • You can also try putting some baking soda on the mattress to help the urine disappear.
  • However, if you have pets in your house, you will need to throw the mattress away and buy a new one.
  • The urine can attract animals, and this can make the problem worse.

Does Vinegar Remove Urine Odor?

You can use a solution of vinegar and water to remove urine odors from a carpet or a piece of furniture.

  • You can buy a bottle of household vinegar from your local store.
  • You should put the vinegar solution on the spot.
  • It will work well on urine stains, even those left over from dogs.
  • Make sure that the spot is dried out completely.
  • Do not allow the spot to dry out completely.
  • If the spot is wet, it may not work.
  • You can also add some ammonia to the solution to help the urine odor disappear.
  • Use a spray bottle to apply the mixture.
  • Do this once a week to help the urine disappear.


In conclusion, the first step is to remove the urine stains by soaking the mattress in a solution of water and vinegar. The next step is to use a dry brush to remove the remaining stains. You can use the same methods that I have used in this article to clean urine from a mattress. You may check also the best Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Side Sleepers


Is it possible to clean urine out of a pillow top mattress?

How can you deep clean a mattress?

The easiest way to get pee out of a mattress is to remove your bedding. The first step is spraying the solution on the stain. The next step is to let the solution absorb. Step 5 is to cover the area with baking soda. The dry baking soda should be vacuumed up.

What is the most efficient way to clean human urine?

A solution of baking soda, peroxide, and any dish detergent can be made. Even the strongest of urine smells can often be driven away by the combination of the three. Take 8 fluid ounces of peroxide, 3 fluid ounces of baking soda, and a few drops of dish detergent and mix it all together.

Is it possible that the human urine smell is gone?

After a mess has been cleaned up, the smell of urine can linger for a long time. It’s fairly easy to get rid of the smell of urine. It’s just a matter of getting something that will break down the uric acid.

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