When To Lower Crib Mattress AAP? (2023 Guide)
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When To Lower Crib Mattress AAP?

As a parent or caregiver, ensuring the safety of your baby while they sleep is of utmost importance. One way to do this is by following the guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for safe sleep practices. One recommendation by the AAP is to lower the crib mattress as your baby grows and becomes more active. This helps to prevent falls and keeps your baby secure in their sleep space.

In this article, we will discuss when to lower the crib mattress according to AAP guidelines, as well as tips for ensuring a safe sleep environment for your little one. Whether you are a new parent or a seasoned caregiver, it is important to stay informed on the latest recommendations for safe sleep to protect your baby’s well-being. You may read also How To Get Pee Out of a Memory Foam Mattress

Why It’s Important To Lower The Crib Mattress Height

There are several reasons why one should consider lowering the height of their crib mattress. One of the most important things is safety.

Babies can be prone to suffocation in their cribs. It’s especially true for those babies who weigh less than 20 pounds. Their heads can easily reach the height of the crib mattress.

If they are underweight, they have a higher risk of being unable to breathe properly. This is why a lower height for your baby’s crib is a good idea.

When choosing how high to put your baby’s crib mattress, you need to consider how much they weigh.

How To Choose The Right Height Setting For Your Crib

Babies can be prone to suffocation in their cribs. If they are underweight, they have a higher risk of being unable to breathe properly. Their heads can easily reach the height of the crib mattress. In order to protect their safety, we suggest that you have your baby’s crib mattress lowered. We have a guide to help you choose the right height setting for your baby’s crib.

  • A baby needs to be in a crib with a mattress that is 30 inches tall.
  • The mattress has to be at least 22 inches above the baby’s head.
  • The mattress should be at least 8 inches above the floor.

When To Choose The Highest Crib Mattress Setting

  • The first step to choosing the highest mattress height is to measure the crib mattress.
  • You will then check the height of your baby.
  • If the mattress is too low, it may not be tall enough to keep the baby safe.
  • In addition, the mattress height may not be high enough for your baby to lie comfortably.
  • This can make your baby sleepy.
  • They might also struggle to breathe and be able to sleep properly.
  • Lowering the mattress is recommended if your baby weighs less than 15 pounds.
  • For those babies who weigh between 15 and 20 pounds, you should keep the mattress at the height of 30 inches.

When to pick the middle crib mattress set.

We don’t recommend giving you a specific age for when to lower the crib mattress, instead, we recommend that you watch for your baby’s development.

To make sure that your baby is not at risk of rolling out of their crib accidentally, you should lower the crib mattress height by half a notch.

Around 4 months is when most babies will start gaining more control over their body movements. You may check also How To Keep Mattress From Sliding On Platform Bed

Lower the crib to the lowest setting.

The crib mattress should be lowered to its lowest setting when the baby is able to push up on his or her hands and knees and pull themselves up to a standing position, which is usually around 6 months old.

  • The crib mattress is lowered to its highest setting when the baby is able to climb out of the crib, which is usually around 12 months old.
  • Your baby will be more comfortable if you lower the height of the mattress.
  • This will also help to ensure that your baby sleeps well at night.
  • The mattress height can also help your baby’s development.

When To Transition From Crib To Toddler Bed

  • Toddlers have different needs than babies.
  • They will need a new bed.
  • It is best to wait until your baby is around 2 years old.
  • Toddlers need a larger bed because they have grown and can’t fit in the crib.
  • It is important to wait until your child is old enough to transition to a toddler bed.
  • Most toddlers will need to have their crib mattress lowered.
  • This is because it will help to reduce the risk of them injuring themselves or others.

Tips For Safe Crib Sleeping

some tips are the following there:

Room Share But Don’t Bed Share

There are benefits to sharing a room, but be aware of co-sleeping risks. Parents who put their baby to sleep in their bed think it will help them respond more quickly if their child needs something during the night.

Put your baby on their back to sleep.

Place your baby on their back to sleep. It is best to put your baby to sleep on their back to prevent SIDS. When you are about to put your baby to sleep, you should cover him or her with a blanket.

The blanket should cover their head and face. You can also use a pillow to cover their mouth. Covering your baby’s head with a towel or a pillow is the best way to make sure that your baby is sleeping comfortably.

Your baby will probably cry and wake up when you first put him or her to sleep. However, the crying will stop after a few minutes.

Use A Firm Mattress

When you are going to put your baby to sleep, you should use a firm mattress. Your baby can’t roll over and turn off the light when they are sleeping on a soft mattress. This is because soft mattresses are flimsy and can be easily moved.

This can lead to the baby waking up during the night. The best mattress for your baby should be firm. This will help them to feel secure and comfortable while they are asleep.

You can put your baby to sleep with the help of a pacifier. Your baby will need to suck on a pacifier every night before he or she goes to sleep.


In conclusion, Crib mattresses are designed to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for children. Most of them are made of a blend of foam and fiber. The material that is used in the manufacturing process is very important as it affects the comfort and durability of the mattress. You may read also Best Memory Foam Mattress Topper for Side Sleepers


Is it safe to put a baby down to sleep on a mattress that’s been lowered?

It is safe to put a baby down to sleep on a mattress that’s been lowered. The danger is that the mattress may be too soft, so it could cause the baby to suffocate.

Should I lower the mattress when the baby is older than 6 months old?

Yes, you should lower the mattress when the baby is older than 6 months old.

How do I lower the mattress?

Lowering the mattress can be done by using the mattress lifter that comes with the crib.

How often should I lower the mattress?

You should lower the mattress every time your baby is sleeping in the crib.

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